
Traditional Agriculture Part 2 - Present Utilization

Traditional Agriculture and its Present Utilization Introduction (a)Agriculture in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka is and has always been a self-sufficient country based on agriculture. Sri Lanka boasts of a rich history of over 2500 years which when closely scrutinized seems to be based mainly on agriculture. Paddy cultivation is the main form of agriculture within the nation and is done in two seasons, namely the Yala and Maha ‘kannas’ or “seasons”. Tea, which is one of the main sources of income for Sri Lanka is also cultivated in the central hills of Sri Lanka. In addition to paddy and tea, many other fruits and vegetables are also cultivated within the island nation. (b)The Present State of Agriculture in Sri Lanka (i)Rice Cultivation in Sri Lanka 34 percent (0.77 /million ha) of the total cultivated area in Sri Lanka is accredited to paddy cultivation and approximately 560,000 ha and 310,000 ha are cultiv

Agriculture Development in Sri Lanka

Agriculture Development in Sri Lanka Introduction Sri Lanka is an agricultural country. Sri Lanka’s primary form of agriculture is rice production which is cultivated during two major seasons: Yala and Maha. Apart from rice production Tea is cultivated in central part of the country and is vastly exported. Vegetables and fruits are also cultivated in the country. Approximately 32 percent of the population is engaged in this field. Agriculture and sectors such as forestry and fisheries contributed to the Gross Domestic Product   in 2014 by 18.2 percent. Rice is the main crop cultivated across approximately one third of the country’s area.Around     2 million families are engaged in paddy cultivation throughout the island.Sri Lanka currently produces 2.7 tonnes of rice yearly which is able to cover up 95 percent of the total domestic requirement.Rice is the main food source for most of the Sri